5 Best Hair Styling Products by Paul Mitchell

Hi, Everyone, I am Pamela Foester and I'm going to go over of the products that I use at work on my clients. So, I will tell you a little bit about me. I work at Cosmetize as a Beautician/Hairdresser. I do men's and women's hairstyling. I'm not a barber.
I just kind of wanted to share with you:
- What do we use at work?
- What do I use on my clients?
- What do I recommend to them?
I still get a lot of clients that pretty much say I use the gel in my hair. And when I hear that, I just kind of think to myself like, oh, there's So, much more to hair than gel. I feel like Jell-O is So, the 90s because there are So, many other options. Now there's Kalin’s, there are creams, there are pomades, there's texturize, there's wax. It just kind of wanted to educate you guys on what else there is and what else. I recommend and what else I use. The first thing I'm going to talk about is the doubleheader from Mitch. This is Paul Mitchell's line. That is this specifically for men. So, the packaging is very manly, very geared towards men.
1. Double Hitter
This is Paul Mitchell Double Hitter 2-in-1 Shampoo And Conditioner and I recommend this. This is really good for all types of hair, but I recommend this specifically for my clients who have dry your hair dryers scalp.
This does not have sulfate in it. So, it's going to be gentler on the scalp. Not as harsh on the scalp. So, sulfates are pretty much detergents. Strip your hair and your scalp of all the oils that you have. And if your hair is on the drier side, you need those oils. Keep your skin and your hair moisturized and hydrated. So, this is one that I recommend for my clients who just kind of want a nice, clean every day, you know, daily shampoo and conditioner.
2. Deep Cleansing Shampoo
The next one is Paul Mitchell Heavy Hitter Deep Cleansing Shampoo that I really like. This one is my favourite. I even bought a huge bottle for my So, to use, my boyfriend, to use. This one smells So, it smells So, good to buy.
This is just a daily deep cleansing shampoo that you can use every day. Smells So, fantastic. I super-duper love this one. OK. So, it says for a daily deep clean you can feel invigorates and refreshes as it washes away dirt and product residue, leaving her with the fresh cedar and McGarvey scent. You guys, this stuff is So, good.
3. Barber's Classic
All right. So, the next one that Mitch has, he has four different pups that we have at work. The first one is called Paul Mitchell Barber's Classic Pomade. And this one is in the white packaging now from a hold two high hold.
It goes in this order. So, the low hold is going to be the white packaging and then the higher hold is going to be this reddish-orange packaging. So, this one's low shine or low hold, medium hold, high holds. The barber's plastic is just strictly going to be for a high shine. It's a promise. So, this one I recommend to people who kind of don't need a whole but kind of just want their hair to be what looking or have that gel, that wet gel. Look without the crunchiness of gel. This one's just going to be very nice. Kind of thins out really nicely. So, it's this is what the product looks like, pretty goopy. And this one's water-based; I believe. So, it's not going to be too hard, isn't it? Yeah. water-based. So, when you wash it, it's going to be So, hard to wash it out of your hair.
So, for instance, the types of hair or the hairstyle that I would probably use this for is old school like slicked-back hair. That's just kind of shiny. That's what the barber’s classic would be for that I would recommend to my clients, but I don't really have a lot of clients that have that hairstyle anymore, So, I don't use this that much. To be honest.
4. Clean Cut
The next one that Mitch has in his line, it's called the Paul Mitchell Clean Cut Styling Cream.
It's one is a medium hold. So, my map finish. It's a hair styling cream. So, this is the one that I recommend. And it smells pretty nice. Nothing too crazy. This is pretty creamy. I mean, it comes out like this really easy to use, blends out really or spreads out really nicely. This one is also, water-based, So, it's not going to be So, hard to wash it out. But this one is going to leave you a semi-matte finish.
This is the one that I kind of recommendations for people who have a lot of hair or curly hair that don't like it curly. This one, you can put it in before you dry it. If you have curly hair, you put this in your hair dry. It kind of like smooth it out, get out, get rid of all that wave and it'll just give you a nice medium hold. You know, you can do that. You can kind of wear. The messy look is like a spiky look. This isn't going to get flaky on you or dry crunchy on you. This is just going to be a very nice medium holds. So, my matte finishes and give you a flexible hold as well. So, it's not going to just you know, once it dries, it's just going to stay there. You can still kind of mould it throughout the day. And I like this product.
5. Hair Styling Clay
The next one that I'm going to talk about, it's Paul Mitchell Mitch Matterial Styling Clay. The material and the reformer look alike. I think they did change the packaging. So, I think the reformer has more of like a reddish packaging on it just So, that we can kind of decipher between the two. These both have thickening agents in them. So, it's going to give you a thicker, fuller look. And it's the material is going to be better for people with fine to thin hair. The reformer, I recommend it for all different types of hair. So, I'm going to talk about the material first, though, just So, you guys can kind of get familiar with this product. So, this one is drawing pulled ultra-matte styling clay. So, this is called material. Get it? Matte material. This one is a hair styling clay. So, it's kind of looks like this.
It's a little bit more So, lid. You kind of have to dig in there to get the product out. And then once you do get it out, you have to be very quick with it comes like this and your just kind of spread it out. But you do have to be very, very quick with it once it starts to spread out and dry. You're going to get this like white resin do that you see on my fingers. This is why I don't really like it. But if you're careful enough and you do have the time to kind of work with it, that's the one I recommend giving you a fuller, thicker look. The material also smells really good. It smells very manly, very clean. It has such a great smell to it. This smells amazing. So, the last one that I'm going to talk about is my favourite, favourite, favourite. It's the reformer. It's a stronghold. It's a matte finish. It's a texture Isar. This is what it looks like. And I forgot to mention:
Is this one water-based?
Yeah. These are all water-based. This one has beeswax in it though, So, this might be a little bit harder to wash out. But I haven't heard any complaints as far as that goes. And this one is more of a creamy texture once it does kind of spread out. It's I mean, it's not as hard as the material. Not at all. I'm going to spread this out So, you can kind of see once it spreads out, the white goes away. I mean, I have a little bit of product buildup from all the products that I've been using, but this Mitch Matterial Styling Clay is one just kind of spreads out nicely, evenly. Doesn't leave you with that, right? White residual smells really nice. The materials are one that smells the best. But the reformer. It's going to be super versatile. So, I recommend that to all my clients. No matter if you have thick hair, thin hair, long hair, short hair, all of these products are going to give you more of flexible hold. It's not going to dry into a crunchy finish. It's not going to flake on you. None of these products is going to flake on you or give you a crunchy hold. These are all very flexible, all very moldable.
This stuff is good. It's very concentrated. It's a very good product. You don't need a lot. With all of these products, a little goes a very long way. And I highly recommend this mitch line to all of my clients. Don't forget to subscribe because I do have more coming when it comes to the products that I use on my clients at work. So, yeah, I'll see you in the next post. And thanks for joining me by.